Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Appleseeds Behavioral Center - Passion for Helping

Appleseeds Learning Center is a Georgia clinic that opened its doors in 2013 and has since expanded to multiple locations. It has been met with great success serving the ASD, or autism spectrum disorder, community in the state, and the coming years look more promising given the 2019 amendment of Ava’s law. 

Soon, coverage will be more accessible for ASD families than at any other time in the state’s history, and the Appleseeds team can’t help but rejoice. With such passion for aiding ASD children and their families, each team member seeks to provide treatments that are the most effective in addressing the needs of youth with Autism.

Are you looking for more information about the expert team at Appleseeds Learning Center and the services they offer? Interested parties can head to for the latest on Appleseed’s enrollment periods, locations, therapies and more.